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Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Bean Roaster – Discontinued

Out of Stock

Model discontinued - Watch for the SR540!

Receive 5 FREE pounds of  green coffee beans with SR500 roaster purchase. Costa Rica, Brazil Serra Negra, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania Peaberry and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

The Fresh Roast SR500 has the same capacity and features as the SR340.. Plus three temperature settings that can be adjusted at any time during the roast. High temp 490 degrees, Medium temp 455 degrees and low temp 390 degrees. A fan speed control has been added to the SR500 that allows the finest tuning of the roast.The Fan Speed Control allows adjustments of +or- 10% during the roast. At the start of the roast, when the beans are heaviest, the speed can be increased to keep the beans fluid for a more even roast. As the beans become lighter the fan speed can be reduced to keep the beans from chipping. This is a simple to operate unit and is a great value for the money. It will roast 4 scoops of beans, about 5 oz. of green coffee beans per roast. It is highly recommended that when roasting multiple batches of beans to let the roaster cool for 20-30 minutes in between roasts. The Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Bean Roaster will give you unlimited possibilities for formulating your own blends from our extensive selection of the finest quality green beans. And your Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Bean Roaster will roast coffee for any type of coffee maker, including espresso machines. This machine carries a manufacturer’s one-year limited warranty. For on-line manual, replacement parts and roasting tips, see

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