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Colombian Excelso – Green Unroasted

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Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
1300 - 1500 masl
Mellow cocoa and cooked fruit flavors with mild acidity
Medium/Dark (Full City Roast)

Taste: Colombian coffees are commonly known to be big, rich, chocolaty coffees with exceptional fragrance and often great acidity. This Excelso is a nice hard bean with balanced body and a chocolatey taste.

Roast: Very drinkable as a Medium/Dark roast but takes a Dark/French roast very well. Great for espressos.


Excelso grade coffees from Colombia are 15+ screen size, and can come from any of the country’s major growing regions.


Located in southwestern Colombia, Huila is nestled in-between the Central and Eastern ranges of the Andes, with the middle area called the Magdalena Valley. The variation in elevation results in Huila being one of the country’s most unique and complex regions of coffee production. Its terroir, climate, and harvest cycles all contribute to the quality of coffee produced here. The most impressive quality behind the coffees coming out of Huila lies in the people producing them. While Huila accounts for nearly 20% of the country’s production, 80% of coffee producers operate on less than three hectares.

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